* Cost / Month

Why study Biology? 

This is a question most student don't ask - why? Because, Biology plays an important role in the understanding of complex forms of life involving humans, animals and plants. Understanding these intricate details of life helps humans understand how to care for themselves, animals and plants in the proper manner. Biology helps individuals understand the interaction between humanity and the world. It also develops interests in the lives of living organisms in an effort to preserve them. Through studying biology, pathologists understand the human body, the functions of various organs, how diseases affect the body and ways to effectively control diseases. Veterinarians have to study biology to appreciate the functions of animals, including marine animals and creatures that live on land. Environmentalists rely on the study of biology to learn how man's actions affect his surroundings and the ecosystems of other living beings.

Studying biology is the foundation of all characteristics of life on Earth. Apart from creating solutions to the challenges many living organisms face, it paves the way for inventions and discoveries that improve the quality of life. Without studying biology, humans would probably never realize how important maintaining a healthy ecology is for themselves, animals and plant life. 

Additionally, studying biology enables the use of forensics to trace and arrest errant members of the society. It also allows agriculturalists to rear unique breeds of plants and animals.

Our commitment to you is to make learning this important subject, both nourishing and fun. 

We provide personalized reports / regular feedback to improve yourself.

Classes 6 - 1- and Classes 10 - 12.
Classes per month (28 Calendar days) - 8.
Class Timing: TBA

4,000.00 INR

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