Meet the Team

Soumyadip - Founder

The founder of Bright Scholar Academy, Soumyadip is a top ex-Accenture consultant who worked for a number of years in the Data Analytics and Systems Integration & Technology Growth Platform. Soumyadip specialises in Data Analytics and Machine Learning and has created more than 25 L&D guide books detailing techniques and deep concepts on various modules of Machine Learning including Logistics Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Association Rule Mining & Neural Networks to name a few. Soumyadip has also written a very comprehensive tutorial book on SQL Server, several learning techniques in Tableau and has documented over 350 questions and answers for R Programming for Data Science. Bright Scholar Academy was founded with a mission to develop and advance students & corporates for the benefit of the advent of Artificial Intelligence in various sectors of the economy. 

Monidipa - Head of English

Monidipa is our L&D Consultant for English and has many years experience working as the Head of Department for one of the most prestigious institutions. Monidipa has taught thousand's of students and is very widely respected in the community. Her students include some of the most prominent figures including scientists, supreme court judges, musicians, teachers, businesswomen to include a few. Very strict to the core, she handles this area very well and we are proud to have her amongst us.

Rahul - Director

Rahul looks after our Yoga center and all activities related to health and physical well-being. His 'Achievement Center' includes activities such as Yoga, Pilates, Meditation, Zumba and Dance. Rahul is a self-confident and motivated individual and has been a very strong proponent of purpose. 

Rahul Paul: +91 76868 59597
Rahul Paul: +91 76868 59597


How we work with our students 

Growing company expectations, growing client demands. Market-shaping A.I, automation. Where the world is remade everyday, the future shows no signs of slowing down and the need for skilled people has never been greater. 

Change is the only constant in this dynamic world. A vision for the future cannot be sustained without the correct know-how. We work closely with our students, we train them, mentor them, coach them, provide them with regular feedback, shape them, hone them, simulate test environments and turn them into high performers - and we are really good at it. We aspire to turn their dreams into reality - the kind that turns an idea into an industry - helping them transform into star performers and grow their careers. 

So when people ask, "What's different about BSA?" - the answer resides in the many specific methods we employ, the numerous instances of how we have helped top organisations and students achieve their business objectives. Our culture, our people and our unique ways of working with our students define how we achieve remarkable goals, solve complex problems, and make meaningful progress. Our Unique Value Proposition lies in the distinct way in which we mentor our students and the fundamental sense of purpose that underpin all that we do.  

With more than 20 years of hard work and commitment to making a real difference, we have now embarked on a beautiful journey of skill development, to share our knowledge and carve the future path for all bright young minds. We use learning and development as a tool to enable students to deliver high performance across their specific areas. For our students, good isn't enough! We want our students to be the BEST in everything they do. We want them to realize their ambitions, to make a positive difference to society and maximise their chances of success. This drive fuels our commitment and it is humaneness and benevolence that forms the core of our every action. This is what makes us different at BSA. What actually defines us is our ability to make an impact, which is what really matters in this world. 

Our commitment doesn't just stop there. We coach them on the basics of life, we sensitize them for the corporate environment, we provide personalised training for competitive interviews, we assist with state of the art resume preparation and we provide valuable guidance to grab the top jobs. 

Come learn how we can help you become top performers and grow your career, we provide leading industry experts - come, create the New you - NOW !!!








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